ISO 9001 2015 & ISO 22000 2018 Integrated Management System (IMS) – Lead Implementer Course

- Description
- Curriculum

The ISO 9001 standards provide guidance and tools for organizations who want to make sure that their products and services consistently meet customer’s requirements, and that quality is consistently improved. ISO 9001 standards sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to (although this is not a requirement). It can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of its field of activity. Keeping food safe from farm to fork by ensuring hygienic practices and traceability at every step of the supply chain are essential tasks for the food industry. ISO 22000, Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organization in the food chain, sets out the requirements for a food safety management system. It defines what an organization must do to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards and ensure that food is safe for consumption. ISO 22000 is applicable to all organizations in the food and feed industries, regardless of size or sector. It is designed in a way that it can be integrated into an organization’s existing management processes but can also be used alone. ISO 22000 is based on the Codex principles for food hygiene and this enables authorities to refer to ISO 22000 in national requirements and government inspections to ensure that all the criteria for food safety are met. An effective implementation is essential if organizations are to maximize the cost saving, performance, and customer satisfaction benefits of ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 standards. This lead implementer course is good for those who need an overview on the ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 standards, or those who will be involved in the implementation of ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 standards within an organization. This course will guide you through the implementation process by explaining the requirements of ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 and how they can be applied using international best practice methods. Using a step-by-step approach, you will learn how to develop an implementation plan, create the necessary documentation, monitor the quality and food safety management system, and achieve continual system, quality and food safety improvement.
Who Should Attend?
- Anyone responsible for implementing ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 standard
- Those who want to learn how to interpret the requirements of ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 standard
- Managers or executives involved in delivering and integrated management system
- Heads of various departments in an organisation
- Those who are planning for a career or working in a quality and performance oriented organisation
- Anyone looking to gain skills and knowledge to improve their career performance
Key Benefits
- Understand concepts and importance of the ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 management system principles.
- Grasp the application of risk-based thinking, leadership and process management
- Interpret requirements of ISO 9001 2015 and ISO 22000 2018 standards and its effective application for managing and improving the functioning of an organization through process approach.
- Understand and develop skills for implementation of management system to manage processes of the organization.
- Build stakeholder confidence by managing processes in line with the latest requirements
- Understand and develop problem solving skills
- Maintain and continually improve your quality and food safety management system
- Learn techniques to create and manage documents and records relevant to integrated management system , critical to the products and services delivered and those required to meet customer and regulatory requirements
- Learn skills in human resource management, supplier management, customer management , operations management, inventory management, laboratory management, production planning and logistics management
- Learn to identify and mitigate internal and external issues relevant to businesses
- Learn to identify stakeholder expectations and prepare action plans to fulfill them
- Learn to define and optimize the processes in your organisation
- Understand the methods to develop a customer focus approach in an organisation
- Identify improvement objectives and plans to achieve them
- Understand traceability requirements relevant to products and services
- Develop an effective business communication plan
- Learn to manage design and development activities
- Learn techniques to manage nonconformity in products and services delivered and take corrective actions
- Fill gaps in your professional knowledge
Learning & Evaluation Method
This is a live and interactive course. Once you purchase the course, our team will contact you to plan the training. No matter where you are located, we schedule the classes based on your convenience and time zone. You can plan to attend the training in sessions of 4 or 8 hr duration, based on how much time you can spend in a day.
There are increasing numbers of organizations, who prefer candidates those who have completed management system trainings from a recognized institution. Certification demonstrates your commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning. These merits can help boost your professional credibility and prestige within your own network, in your organisation, with your current clients, and when pursuing new business opportunities. After the successful completion of the course and final exam, you will be awarded with a certificate of completion issued by QGlobal. Your credentials will be made available in the global online directory and can be verified by anyone searching with the certificate number. Without doubt we can say that our training courses are well recognized and sought after by organizations across various geographies.
Buy for group Are you planning to buy this course for a group? We have the best prices for you! Select ‘Buy for Group’ option and add to the cart. You will get a discount of 60 – 75% for a group of up to 10 participants. To make a group purchase, create your group name and add individual emails of up to 10 participants. Each participant will get the access to the course materials, exam and the certificate. We will arrange one live-online session for the entire group.
Total: 206 Courses View all
Total: 206 Courses View all
1Introduction to standards and certification
- Purpose of standardization
- Benefits of certification
2Terms and definitions
- Terms related to person or people
- Terms related to organization
- Terms related to activity
- Terms related to process
- Terms related to system
- Terms related to requirement
- Terms related to result
- Terms related to data, information and document
- Terms related to customer
- Terms related to characteristic
- Terms related to determination
- Terms related to action
- Terms related to audit
3Introduction to ISO 9001 2015 standards
Application areas
Terms and definitions
Quality management principles
Process based approach
Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
Risk based thinking
Benefits of certification
Certification process flow
4Quality management system principles
- Fundamental concepts
- Quality management system principles
5ISO 9001 Context of the organisation
Understanding the organization and its context
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
Determining the scope of the quality management system
Quality management system and its processes
Quizzes, discussions & role plays
6ISO 9001 Leadership
Leadership and commitment
Customer focus
Establishing the quality policy
Communicating the quality policy
Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
7ISO 9001 PlanningActions to address risks and opportunitiesQuality objectives and planning to achieve themPlanning of changes
8ISO 9001 Support
Environment for the operation of processes
Monitoring and measuring resources
Organizational knowledge
Documented information
Creating and updating
Control of documented information
9ISO 9001 Operation
Operational planning and control
Requirements for products and services
Customer communication
Determining the requirements for products and services
Review of the requirements for products and services
Changes to requirements for products and services
Design and development of products and services
Design and development planning
Design and development inputs
Design and development controls
Design and development outputs
Design and development changes
Control of externally provided processes, products and services
Type and extent of controlInformation for external providers
Production and service provision
Control of production and service provision
Identification and traceability
Property belonging to customers or external providers
Post‐delivery activities
Control of changes
Release of products and services
Control of nonconforming outputs
10ISO 9001 Performance evaluationMonitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluationCustomer satisfactionAnalysis and evaluationInternal auditManagement reviewManagement review inputsManagement review outputs
11ISO 9001 Improvement
Nonconformity and corrective action
Continual improvement
12Introduction to ISO 22000 2018 standards
- Scope of ISO 22000
- Normative references
- Terms and definitions
13ISO 22000 Context of the organization
- Understanding the organization and its context
- Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
- Determining the scope of the food safety management system
- Food safety management system
14ISO 22000 Leadership
- Leadership and commitment
- Policy
- Establishing the food safety policy
- Communicating the food safety policy
- Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
15ISO 22000 Planning
- Actions to address risks and opportunities
- Objectives of the food safety management system and planning to achieve them
- Planning of changes
16ISO 22000 Support
- Resources
- People
- Infrastructure
- Work environment
- Externally developed environment of the food safety management system
- Control of externally provided processes, products and services
- Competence
- Awareness
- Communication
- External communication
- Internal communication
- Documented information
- Creating and updating
- Control of documented informationResources
- People
- Infrastructure
- Work environment
- Externally developed environment of the food safety management system
- Control of externally provided processes, products and services
- Competence
- Awareness
- Communication
- External communication
- Internal communication
- Documented information
- Creating and updating
- Control of documented information
17ISO 22000 Operation
- Operational planning and control
- Pre requisite programms (PRPs)
- Traceability system
- Emergency preparedness and response
- Handling of emergencies and incidents
- Hazard control
- Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis
- Characteristics of raw materials, ingredients and product contact materials
- Characteristics of end products
- Intended use
- Flow diagrams and description of processes
- Preparation of the flow diagram
- On-site confirmation of flow diagrams
- Description of processes and process environment
- Hazard analysis
- Hazard identification and determination of acceptable limits
- Hazard assessment
- Selection and categorisation of control measures
- Validation of control measures and combinations of control measures
- Hazard control plan (HACCP/OPRP plan)
- Determination of critical limits and action criteria
- Monitoring systems at CCPs and for OPRPs
- Actions when critical limits or action criteria are not met
- Implementation of the hazard control plan
- Updating the information specifying the PRPs and the hazard control plan
- Control of monitoring and measuring
- Verification related to PRPs and action control plan
- Verification
- Analysis of results of verification activities
- Control of product and process non conformities
- Corrections
- Corrective actions
- Handling of potentially unsafe products
- Evaluation for release
- Disposition of non conforming products
- Withdrawal/Recall
18ISO 22000 Performance evaluation
- Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
- Analysis and evaluation
- Internal audit
- Management review
- Management review inputs
- Management review outputs
19ISO 22000 Improvement
- Nonconformity and corrective action
- Continual improvement
- Update of the food safety management system
20Regulatory requirements for food businesses
21Prerequisite program requirements (PRPs)
- Examples of hazards controlled by implementing PRPs
22PRPs from ISO 22002-1 2019 standards
- ISO 22002-1:2009 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -- Part 1: Food manufacturing
- ISO/TS 22002-2:2013 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -- Part 2: Catering
- ISO/TS 22002-3:2011 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -- Part 3: Farming
- ISO/TS 22002-4:2013 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -- Part 4: Food packaging manufacturing
- ISO/NP TS 22002-5
- ISO/TS 22002-6:2016 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -- Part 6: Feed and animal food production
23PRP 01 – Food defense – biovigilence and bioterrorism
Controls for food defence
24PRP 02 – Product recall procedures
25PRP 03 - Rework
26PRP 04 – Training and supervision
27PRP 05 – Measures for prevention of cross contamination
28PRP 06 – Traceability
29PRP 07 – Storage and warehousing
30PRP 08 – Utilities – air, water, energy
31PRP 09 – Personal hygiene and employee facilities
32PRP 10 – Cleaning and sanitizing
33PRP 11 – Pest control
34PRP 12 – Waste disposal
35PRP 13 – Management of purchased material
36PRP 14 – Layout of premises and workspace
37PRP 15 – Equipment suitability, cleaning and maintenance
38PRP 16 – Construction and layout of building
39LI 02 Conducting gap analysis
40LI 09 Creating forms and templates
41LI 06 Procuring documents
42LI 05 Conducting training
43LI 04 Creating awareness
44LI 08 Creating policies and procedures
45LI 07 Creating management system manual
46LI 03 Preparing implementation plan
47LI 01 Building the team
48LI 10 Planning for certification